Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Isabelle's prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for day. Thank you I come home. Thank you I didn't poop on the floor I pooped in the toilet. I didn't poop on floor I pooped in toilet. Thank you the dinosaur didn't eat me. Thank you I poked it. (more about the dinosaur that I can't quite remember) (me interjecting with "In the name of Jesus Christ Amen") Thank you for day. Jesus Amen.
I love my kids prayers. They are so full of meaning to them. With their own little concerns. Man I wish my biggest worry for the day was if a dinosaur was going to eat me or not.


Mimi said...

Hahahaha! I love it.

Jenny Timmerman said...

Missy I haven't been on here in FOREVER! Your blog is so cute! Your family picture is so cute! Love it!

Stephanie said...

Once my sister said, "thank you for the scream doors so the bees don't come in and steam us." I'm thankful for those too!

Tiffani said...

Paul and I laughed and laughed - thanks for sharing.