Monday, November 21, 2011

I am thankful for.....

..... Service.
I have had the blessings of receiving service and giving service.
The other day Isabelle come home with some Chex Mix from our neighbor across the street. We asked her why she was given it and she said because she was shoveling their driveway. Then she ran back outside. As I peered out the window I was filled with joy as I watch Isabelle pick back up her shovel and continue to shovel their driveway.
She didn't stop until she had cleared off the whole drive. She even started cleaning off their other driveway(which is much bigger and longer) but then decided she was done. The next day I received a call from our neighbor, Sister Sorenson, telling me how much she loved and appreciated Isabelle's service. I was so proud of my little girl.


Mimi said...

Aww, what a sweetie :)

Christie said...

that is SO sweet! Kids are the best examples.