Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I am thankful for....

a living Prophet....
What a blessing to know that we have a Prophet on earth at this time who speaks for our Heavenly Father. I always feel so blessed when I get to sit down and listen to General Conference and hear our prophet speak. Sometimes I want to yell out our door "Hey did you know that the prophet of God is speaking right now? Hurry go listen" I think that is what it was like when King Benjamin spoke and all the people gathered to hear him. I could just imagine people grabbing their loved ones saying "come on hurry our prophet is speaking. Let's go hear what our Heavenly Father wants us to know".
This is part of the first talk the President Thomas S. Monson gave as an Apostle. It is so sweet and humble. What an amazing man.
 On there are testimonies from all the Prophets of this dispensation. What a blessing to be able to read, hear and watch these amazing men.
I will leave you with my favorite by Joseph Smith Jr.
"And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!” ,(Doctrine and Covenants 76:22).


Christie said...

that was really touching. thanks for sharing.

Mimi said...

I am so thankful for the Prophet too.