Saturday, November 5, 2011


 This year I really got into canning. We had such an abundant garden and we tried our best to use it all and we had very little go to waste. If we weren't able to eat it quick enough it was canned. This year we canned, peach jam, pear jam, mango raspberry jam, peach raspberry jam, pickles, crushed tomatoes, pears, applesauce, pickled zucchini, relish, salsa Verde, salsa, tomato sauce, peaches, apple pie filling, chipotle salsa,  peach pie filling.... I think that was it..... I can't remember if there is anything else. I am not quite done. I have a box of apples waiting for me under my counter. But Jeremiah got tired of having no counter space so he made me take pictures and put it all in the storage room. It great trying new things. We are excited to see what we like and what we will do next year.


Bobbi said...

Holy Hannah woman!! You amaze me. I would love to come and try some and see what I like :)

Ann said...

WOW!!!! Way to go!

The Twelve Tribes of Muldowney said...

Now that's provident living! You've got real skills. Mom Muldowney

Kristin said...

Will you come to my house? I need someone to get me started in canning the excess from my garden-- I'm not motivated enough!

Stephanie said...

That is one thing I miss being away from my mom, canning. I didn't appreciate doing it with her when I was young, but I do now!

Leah said...

Great job Missy! I a few boxes of apples left myself, just need to get some free time. Haha

Mimi said...

Missy you are a wonder! I didn't know you had fruit trees. Wish I were confident enough to do that :) Love you to pieces and miss you so much.