Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles

I realize I have not posted about Joseph and his eyes for a long time.
 Two months ago we took Joseph down to Salt Lake City for a check up. His eyes were not looking good. There was junk building up in his eyes again. His vision in one of his eyes was 20/400 with his glasses on. Our doctor decided he to put him back on a medicine and to start a whole new medicine that will hopefully clear up his eyes completely.  We put him back on the medicine right away. The other medicine we had to see another doctor and do some testing before he is allowed to go on it. It has the possibility of some nasty side effects. I have been kind of dragging my feet about getting all the testing done because I am not sure if I want Joseph on the medicine.
 We took Joseph again to the doctor a month ago and saw the other specialist about the new medicine. I still didn't feel much better about putting him on the medicine. But in between these two visits Rose had broken Joseph's glasses. And between Josephs teacher and me we realized he was reading better and much less stress with out his glasses. So when he had his vision checked this time it was 20/80 in that same eye. We were all amazed. And as his teacher said "it was a miracle".
 Joseph just had another check up yesterday in Salt Lake City and wonder of wonders his vision is still improving. His vision is now 20/50 in one eye and 20/60 in the other. At one point the doctors told us he would never have better vision the 20/80 in either eye. Well that little boy just proved them wrong. As we were driving home from Salt Lake City I was listening to the October Conference on CD there was a talk (I can't remember who it was), that said
"there are things in this world that won't matter in the life here after and if they do matter the Lord will provide a way for them to work out."
 After hearing this I realized that Joseph life is in the Lords hands. Joseph has been given some amazing promises through blessings that he has received. I have to have faith in this. I know what ever happens it will be God's will and Joseph will be a better stronger person for it. So tomorrow he will have a TB test done. And we will go from there to get him on his new medicine. Please keep my sweet boy in your prayers. He is so strong and faithful. He amazes me often with the gospel insight he has. I know through the power of prayer Joseph and our family will be that much stronger. 
 We head back down to Salt Lake City in two months. They were kind enough to give us a Christmas break.


Ann said...

Hoorah for Joseph and his good eye-sight! Love that kid!

Bobbi said...

What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing it. You are all pretty amazing if you ask me :) We will keep him in our prayers.

Mimi said...

Thank you Missy for sharing this. It strengthened my faith. We love you so much and are thankful for all Joseph's improvements!

Kristin said...

That is awesome! I will keep him in my prayers-- I understand the stress of constantly having to medicate a child--it is very stressful.

Christie said...

I'm so glad you posted about this because just yesterday I was wondering how he was doing.

Thanks for sharing. Take care!

Jenny Timmerman said...

How wonderful for Joseph! Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers!