Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Punishment

So today William came running up stairs and informed me that Joseph and Michael were making a mess in the bathroom. So I said very loudly, as I was walking down the stairs, " they better not be because they will be in big trouble".
Even with this loud warning they were still up to no good when I looked into the bathroom. Well I had had it. These two boys, especially Joseph, had been making messes like crazy for the last week or so. So I gave them both a sound spanking (I know I have repented of this and I have fallen back into a routine of doing it again. I am trying, once again, not to spank anymore) and sent them to bed for the night (it was 4pm). They were very worried that that wouldn't get dinner so I informed them that I would be bringing them PB & J sandwiches for dinner.
As I walked away and started cooling down I came to realize that this is as much of a punishment for me as it would be for them. Joseph would most likely fall asleep pretty quickly. Then would sleep for who knows how long and wake up either at bed time or the middle of the night and start waking everyone else up, because he is good that way. Also they would most likely get PB&J all over their blankets (because they are messy) and I would have to clean there blankets.
So I came up with a new punishment. I told them to get into the bathroom because they were going to scrub down the whole thing. I got them into rubber gloves and put them to work scrubbing the shower. With in seconds I hear giggling. Then Joseph says "this is so fun". Arrgg. These boys can turn anything into a game. I remind them that this IS a Punishment and it IS not Fun and there will be no giggling. I few seconds later "hey brother lets trade sponges that will be fun". I give up. At least they are cleaning and not laying on the floor crying. We made our way to the sink then to the toilet. Which, for some reason, was even more fun then the shower. They loved scrubbing the inside with the brush and wiping down the whole outside with cloths. But I finally got them when I made them wipe down the whole floor. They didn't like that. I informed them that they will be cleaning the bathroom once a week until they can stop making messes (they didn't like that idea).
So even though this didn't turn out to be the awful punishment I wanted it to be. I did get my bathroom clean (they did a surprisingly good job with little help from me). And I think they realized they don't want to make messes anymore because they informed William and Isabelle if they make messes they are going to have to help clean the bathroom then all four of them get to clean together (I think they were trying to talk them into it, then that it would be fun to have them their). Silly boys.


Anonymous said...

Hi Missy,
I enjoyed your story about your boys.

Hi Missy,
I liked your story. It brought back memories to me. They won't be young very long so enjoy them while you can. They are very cute!! I haven't seen you for a long time. Have a merry Christmas & tell your parents hi for me. Love, Bev

Amanda said...

I identify with so much of what you said here! My biggest thing with my kids right now is working on "disengaging" emotionally from the situations. I find myself getting wrapped up in the emotions of the moment and if I can keep the emotions separate from the situation, I am calmer and much better able to deliver appropriate discipline. Lately, I've been remembering a method I read in "Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood." When the kids whine, misbehave, etc., you tell them they are causing you an energy drain. Because they're draining your energy, they now must do some of your work.

Let me just say here that I think you're a great parent. I'm not making this suggestion because I think you don't do a great job with your kids. Just thought I'd toss another idea in for your consideration. :)

Universitybabe said...

Ohhhh, tell them they can come clean mine next time:-) Love and miss you!