Wednesday, December 9, 2009

For Sale on the Courthouse Steps

So another update on our hopeful house to be. If the bank doesn't approve our bid by tomorrow morning they will be selling it on the Courthouse steps sometime tomorrow and we most likely won't be able to get it then. So please keep us in your prayers. I know Heavenly Father knows best and what ever happens it is all in his plan. So if is doesn't work out, truthfully I will sit and cry for awhile, but then I will move on and we will just know it wasn't right for our family. If it does work out, truthfully I will still cry, but then jump for joy. More updates tomorrow. I know you are all holding your breath. Right???


Mickelle said...

Gaaah! That's today! You should go to the courthouse anyway -- Heavenly Father will make everything work out one way or another.

Tiffani said...

Let us know how it turns out!