Monday, December 7, 2009

House Update

Today was the date to find out if our offer was excepted. Sadly... we haven't found out yet. Our Realtor called and said that they are waiting for it to go through HUD first and we should find out by Wednesday.
I guess this house is going through a short sell. Meaning that they guy is trying to get rid of it before it goes into foreclosure so the bank is letting them sell for less then it is worth. So they have to go through the bank to approve the offer, to see if the bank will be ok with that amount.
Good news to us is that they guy wants to except the offer. He just has to see if the bank will let him.
Keep posted more updates on Wednesday.


Amanda said...

Missy--some of our friends who recently bought a home had to go through a similar process because theirs was a short sale as well. They said it usually takes longer for the short sale to go through, so hang in there! I'm excited to hear how it all goes for you!

Ann said...

We're holding our breath!

~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

I hope they accept it! Oh, a house!!! That is so awesome! Good luck!

Kristin said...

fingers crossed for good news!