Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ode to Pero

For the last 17 years we have had a dog named Pero. And if you are thinking that sound familiar. He was named after Ross Pero. Yes the crazy man who ran for President 17 years ago. That year we had three puppies left over from a litter. One had bushy brown hair (who we named Clinton), one I don't remember quite what he look like I just remember it resembled Bush (so of course we named him Bush) and last was a black dog who always had a odd expression on his fast, he was the runt, and had overly large droopy ears (So of course we named him Pero). Well we slowly got rid of Bush and Clinton but was never able to get rid of Pero (kind of opposite of our country).
Pero was a fun dog to have. He was the oddest looking dog ever. He had a snout of a large dog, the body of a medium dog, the legs of a small dog and the tail of a pig. He was odd all around. He had a funny personality and was a great dog to have.
Well being 17 year old he started going down hill. Last winter we weren't sure if he would make it. But you never know with Pero. This year with the first really cold days we realized he wasn't going to make it. Monday we saw him circling around in one spot for quite some time and it was below zero. Jeremiah had to go outside and carry him in because he couldn't figure out how to get to us. He was kind of out of it while in the house. And even fell down the steps(poor boy). So yesterday my Mom finally decided it was time and took him in and put him to sleep. It was sad to see him go but he was so miserable that I know he is happier now. The kids were a little upset. But once we explain how unhappy he was here and how much better he feels now he is in heaven they were OK.
So here is goodbye to a good, weird, oddball, loving dog who gave us 17 years of companionship and joy.


Kristin said...

Thanks Missy- now I want to cry for the dog I didn't know! I love dogs.

Bobbi said...

I cannot believe it!! That dog was part of your house. . . I can't believe he lived so long. Are we really old enough for you to have had a dog that was 17 years old and I remember when he was a puppy!?!?