Monday, August 30, 2010


Rose Elizabeth Muldowney
Born August 24, 2010
3:28 P.M.
9 lbs. 3.6 oz
21 inches long

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Day of School

Yesterday the boys had their first day of school (I know I can't believe they start in the middle of August). The boys were excited but nervous. They had a wonderful first day. Today when I dropped off the boys Joseph wanted me to walk him to his classroom. Apparently he isn't quit completely comfortable yet.
The boys are sporting their new school outfits Grandma Grissom bought them (Thanks Mom). You may notice Williams pant are a bit short. This boy is sprouting up quick. I have to go and get him some size 9's since he no longer fit in size 8 and he was barely fitting in them at the end of the school year.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Today I went to the doctor for a check up. I was very happy to find out that the baby's head is still down. I am not sure what I would have done if it had turned again. Probably sat and cried for a long time. Anyways the bad news was that the baby is really high up and I am not dilated at all. WAHHHH. I was really hoping to have the baby before Thursday because my sister, Carrie is here visiting and is leaving Thursday. The doctor and I have decided that I will go in Monday the 23rd to be induced if the baby hasn't come by then. Isabelle came 2 days after my due date and weighed a whopping 9 lb 6 oz. If this one waits out until it is induced it will be 3 days late. Yippee skippee!!! Who wants to guess the stats for this little one??? I might send a prize to who ever gets closes if I ever feel like it. Hehehee.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who stole a cookie from the cookie Jar????

Today I could hear Michael getting into the cookies on the kitchen counter. Here is how the conversation happened.
Me- Michael what are you doing??
Michael- getting a cookie
Me- Michael get out of the cookies you are not allowed to have one.
Michael-(big sigh) ohhhhh
Me- Michael get out of the cookies (because I can still hear him getting into the cookies)
Michael- Ok but I am already eating one
Me- Put that cookie away and get out of the kitchen.
Michael- Oh (wah wah wah)

Apparently if you have the cookie in your mouth you are still allowed to eat it. Silly boy.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oh the Pain

So today I went in and had the inversion done. To tell you the truth is was very very painful. This is how it went. I got there at 11:30. The nurses did all the checking in stuff and hooked me up to a monitor to watch my contractions and one to watch the baby's heart beat. Then we waited awhile for the doctor. The nurse came in and gave me a shot to help relax my uterus. It made my heart race and made me really shaky (in other words I did not like it). Then my amazing doctor, Vigneri, and another doctor,Smothers, came in. They got the ultrasound machine out and figured out where the baby was and what was the best way to turn the little one. So then they started turning the baby. It hurt! I lost my breath and I couldn't even cry it hurt so bad. At one point I even cried out "I can't breath". Dr Vigneri told me I need to start taking deep breaths and try to relax(yeah right). Jeremiah, who is the best at calming me down and helping me breath, couldn't even get near me since the doctors were on either side of me. I remember reaching out my hand to him and only being able to grab his thumb.
Oh in case you are wondering this is how they turn the baby. First Dr. Vigneri figured out where the head was and got his hands positioned around it. While Dr. Smothers figured out where the bum was and got her hand around that. Then at the same time, with a great deal of force, they started pushing the baby in the direction they wanted it to turn.
So they started pushing and it hurt a lot then they stopped to see exactly where the head was and to make sure the baby's heart rate was ok. Well while they were doing this the sweet little baby decided to try to move back to where it was. So when they had stopped pushing the baby was 3/4Th of the way turned and when they checked it, it was only 1/2 of the way turned. So Dr. Vigneri said they would try one more time to turn the baby. They were about to start but I made then wait so I could have some deep breaths and prepare myself again. So once I was ready they started again and in hurt even more ( I am sure it was because I was having a really hard time relaxing, Can you blame me???). But they got the baby's little head down and hurried and check the heart rate again. At this time I am just weeping but once they inform me that the baby's head is down and the heart rate is really good I was able to start settling down. Once they got me all hooked back up to the monitors they left and told me they would watch the baby for at least an hour. I ended up sleeping though most of that. The baby's heart rate was great and by 2:45 I was home. My stomach is still pretty tender. I had to remind the kids over and over that my tummy hurt and they couldn't touch it today. So now we just get to wait for the baby to come. Yippee

So here is a picture of me waiting to get all checked in. And if I do say so myself I think I look pretty good. With this pregnancy I have put on the least amount of weight and I feel pretty good. I have very little swelling and I feel my face isn't super fat like it usually is at this point. You may notice I have my hand out with all five fingers out. We are so exited to be having our 5 baby. So I have 1 week and 3 days until my due date.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What do you get........

When you take.......
A roll of Duct Tape...
A floaty tube...
And PVC Pipe???
A pretty awesome sword. A friend of ours showed us how to make these years ago. We had a set and when we moved up to Wyoming we gave them away. So two years later we finally got around to making new ones. They are pretty fun because you can hit pretty hard without getting hurt. Great boy toys. We now have 6 swords. The kids were worried that we don't have one for the baby on the way. Do you love William modeling everything. That boy cracks me up.


Two weeks ago we found out the baby is breached. Today I went in for a check up with the great hope that it had turned. Sadly this little one is still very much breached. The doctor has high hopes that he will be able to turn the baby. So tomorrow I will be heading into the hospital to have an inversion (the doctor will try to turn the baby) done. If all goes well the baby will be head down and I will get to go home and wait until the baby is ready to come. If anything goes wrong I will be having a c-section tomorrow. Luckily my doctor said the baby's bum is up high and not down in the pelvis at all. And since this will be my 4Th pregnancy it will be that much easier to turn. So please keep me and especially the baby in your prayers. I am actually OK with the idea of a c-section as long as the baby is OK.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Swimming Lessons

In June I put the kids through swimming lessons. They did really well. Sadly none of them passed to the next level but that is ok. They made big improvements in swimming and Michael and Joseph are now swimming around the pool and jumping in with out holding onto me for dear life.
The last day they all had the chance to jump off the diving board. William bravely jumped right off. Isabelle climbed onto the diving board and her little legs started shaking like crazy. Finally a life guard climbed up with her and helped her into the water. When she got out she ran right back into line to do it again. Joseph and Michael were happy watching from the side. The night before when Joseph said his prayer he asked Heavenly Father not to make him jump off the diving board. Such a funny boy.