Monday, August 9, 2010


Two weeks ago we found out the baby is breached. Today I went in for a check up with the great hope that it had turned. Sadly this little one is still very much breached. The doctor has high hopes that he will be able to turn the baby. So tomorrow I will be heading into the hospital to have an inversion (the doctor will try to turn the baby) done. If all goes well the baby will be head down and I will get to go home and wait until the baby is ready to come. If anything goes wrong I will be having a c-section tomorrow. Luckily my doctor said the baby's bum is up high and not down in the pelvis at all. And since this will be my 4Th pregnancy it will be that much easier to turn. So please keep me and especially the baby in your prayers. I am actually OK with the idea of a c-section as long as the baby is OK.


Stephanie said...

I can't believe the little cutie is still breach. Good luck. I want to know everything. Good luck.

Heather Jeppsen said...

I've been wondering how you are doing and if you've had the baby? Did you guys not find out what you are having? Good luck tomorrow. We'll be hoping for the best for both of you. We can't wait to hear and see pictures when you do have it. Congratulations!

Amanda said...

Not to scare you or anything, but that's exactly how it was with Kallie. I didn't have an opportunity to wait for her to turn, though. The external version was very painful. I was bruised up by my right ribs for a few days. Then they gave me a spinal and were able to turn her (since I couldn't feel it). But, her heart rate dropped so they had to do a c-sec anyway. I will keep you in my prayers. I know how stressful that situation can be!

Kristin said...

You will be in my prayers girl. Good luck tomorrow!

Missy said...

Amanda Thanks for the heads up. I knew it was going to hurt because he did some pushing in his office and I was trying not to cry, then he told me he would have to push two times harder to get the baby to move. At least I will get cool bruises out of it right???