Monday, August 16, 2010


Today I went to the doctor for a check up. I was very happy to find out that the baby's head is still down. I am not sure what I would have done if it had turned again. Probably sat and cried for a long time. Anyways the bad news was that the baby is really high up and I am not dilated at all. WAHHHH. I was really hoping to have the baby before Thursday because my sister, Carrie is here visiting and is leaving Thursday. The doctor and I have decided that I will go in Monday the 23rd to be induced if the baby hasn't come by then. Isabelle came 2 days after my due date and weighed a whopping 9 lb 6 oz. If this one waits out until it is induced it will be 3 days late. Yippee skippee!!! Who wants to guess the stats for this little one??? I might send a prize to who ever gets closes if I ever feel like it. Hehehee.


Kristin said...

Oh, I love this game! Is this a surprise baby? It would help if I knew it was a boy or girl, (and if I knew what all your previous kids weighed) but I'll give it a whirl anyway.

How about....Sunday, August 22nd 4:47pm. (If you don't already know- I'll guess girl--cause you need some more estrogen around there!)8lbs. 15oz. 20.5 in. long!

Stephanie said...

I say 8 pounds 3 ounces 19.5 inches long. August 22, because I want it to have a birthday buddy. Keilie will be 7:)