Saturday, August 7, 2010

Swimming Lessons

In June I put the kids through swimming lessons. They did really well. Sadly none of them passed to the next level but that is ok. They made big improvements in swimming and Michael and Joseph are now swimming around the pool and jumping in with out holding onto me for dear life.
The last day they all had the chance to jump off the diving board. William bravely jumped right off. Isabelle climbed onto the diving board and her little legs started shaking like crazy. Finally a life guard climbed up with her and helped her into the water. When she got out she ran right back into line to do it again. Joseph and Michael were happy watching from the side. The night before when Joseph said his prayer he asked Heavenly Father not to make him jump off the diving board. Such a funny boy.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Hahaha! What a cute prayer :) Love and miss you guys.