Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who stole a cookie from the cookie Jar????

Today I could hear Michael getting into the cookies on the kitchen counter. Here is how the conversation happened.
Me- Michael what are you doing??
Michael- getting a cookie
Me- Michael get out of the cookies you are not allowed to have one.
Michael-(big sigh) ohhhhh
Me- Michael get out of the cookies (because I can still hear him getting into the cookies)
Michael- Ok but I am already eating one
Me- Put that cookie away and get out of the kitchen.
Michael- Oh (wah wah wah)

Apparently if you have the cookie in your mouth you are still allowed to eat it. Silly boy.

1 comment:

The Twelve Tribes of Muldowney said...

What tipe of cookies were they? Thay must have been good. Love you guys. We will be in Wyoming in about 4 days.