Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Baby is Eight

April Fools! He is only 7. That is right William Charles Muldowney turned 7 today. We are so lucky to have him in our family.William was a great April Fools day baby. A week before my due date the doctor told me there is no way he will be coming by his due date(April 1) and that he would induce me a week after my due date. I cried. I didn't want to be induced and I really wanted my baby in my arms. Well March 31 was Easter Sunday. I woke up around 7am to use the bathroom and realize I was loosing my mucus plug. Right after I used the bathroom the contractions started. I remember saying "I better get to eat my Easter dinner", it was our first Easter together as a married couple and I was so excited to prepare a yummy ham and all the fixings. Well the contractions kept up all day. Not to regular and the closes they got was 10 min apart. So we went to church and came home and enjoyed our Easter dinner. My best friend Bobbi came over and I believe our friend Kurt came over as well for dinner and a game. Bobbi was so good to help me out. We sent Jeremiah to bed, around midnight, because we had no idea when the baby would come. Bobbi and I went for some long walks (it was the only way my contractions would settle down) I believe Bobbi headed home around 2 am. I took a warm bath then wrote in my journal and finally fell asleep around 3 am. At 5am I woke back up my contractions were harder and closer together (2 min apart). Jeremiah and I went for a walk and my contractions stayed at 5 min apart at a regular pace. It was time to head to the hospital. We were getting our bag together and Jeremiah pulled out a box of games. I asked him what he was thinking and he said "just in case we get bored", YEAH RIGHT! So I tried to be nice and let him bring two games. We called our family and then headed to the hospital. At 7am we were admitted into the hospital (24 hrs of contractions). I was only dilated to a 4 but my water was some what broken too. At 8 my doctor broke my water the rest of the way. By 10 I hadn't dilated my so they started me on PIT. At noon I broke down and asked for an epidural. I had been awake for almost 29 hours with a 2 hour nap in between. At 1pm I got my epidural and by 1:30 I was asleep. I am not sure how long a slept. I was in and out and had to wake up every time the nurse wanted to check me. Bobbi came in to see how I was doing. She was amazed that I was so relaxed. Jeremiah and I decided to watch Sound of Music. Around 6pm the nurse came in and said it was time to push. I told Jeremiah to turn off the movie.
J: But it is almost over
M: I am about to give birth to your baby. Turn it off
J: Oh fine
If I would have realized how long it would take to push him out I would have let him finished the movie. While I was pushing the Doctor got pulled out to do an emergency C-section. Soon after that my nurse got pulled out for another emergency. So for about an hour Jeremiah and I were by ourselves trying to get the baby out. When the nurse came back in she told us that since it was April Fools day a lot of women were coming in ready to deliver because it took them so long to get their husbands to really believe they were in labor and not some joke. So at 8:52 pm William was born (almost 38hrs of labor). The first thing the doctor said was "that is one big head". And it was but he was beautiful. William had a war wound as well, a nice little bruise above his lip.
William has been such a joy in our life. Always full of love and happiness. He is already looking forward to turning 8 so he can be baptised. He is such a good big brother. I have never heard him tell his younger siblings that they couldn't play with him for one reason or another. Instead I usually hear "come on brothers lets go play". I would be happy to go through another 38 hrs of labor again just to be able to receive another sweet soul like William.


Bobbi said...

Oh I remember that day! The best April Fools baby EVER! The cutest baby I had ever seen!! We are so glad you came--you sweet little William! I really can't believe it has been seven years!!

Kimberly said...

HOLY COW! Just reading your labor story has me exhausted. 38 hours? Aaahhh! Hailey was only 12 and I thought that was long!

Tiffani said...

Happy Birthday William - it's a date you can't forget. Every April Fool's Day I think of you! I hope you are all doing well.

Amanda said...

He cannot be 7!! I think he will be eternally 4 in my mind. Hope he had a happy birthday!

Mimi said...

Happy Birthday William!! Aunt Mimi loves you very much.