Saturday, May 17, 2008

Good News

Well we took Joseph in to the hospital at 6:30 AM yesterday. Around 7:30 they took him back and in about 15 min Dr. Corey called down to talk to us. He informed us that Joseph eye look alot better then he thought . It was clearing up really well and there was no need at this time to do surgery on his eye. Hurray! By 8AM Jospeh was back in the room with us and he took about 2 hours to wake up so we could head home. He did really well and was so brave. But he did insist on Jeremiah buying him another Transformer because he was brave. So now we will be going in to see the regular eye doctor to have him check out how well Joseph is seeing and see if we need to do anything else (like putting a patch over his right eye to make his left eye stronger). We are just so happy that things are looking up for him and he is healing so well. We will be heading back to see Dr. Corey in a couple weeks just to make sure things are stilling going well and because there is a chance of the Uvities coming back. Thank you all for your prayers and fasting. We are so blessed to have so many people who love us.


Ann said...

That's terrific! Thanks for the update!

Amanda said...

Glad it went so well!

Bethany said...

That's wonderful!! Hope everything continues going so well!

Mickelle said...

If you like L.M. Montgomery & L. M. Alcott, you HAVE to read the book Daddy Long-Legs.

You have to. And then we will watch the movie. It will be fun -- I promise.