Friday, May 2, 2008


My friend Bobbi tagged me so here are my answers.

A: Attached or Single? Very attached. Jeremiah and I are coming up on our 7 year anniversary.
B: Best Friend? Jeremiah first of all then Karen
C: Cake or Pie? Depends on my mood. Jeremiah makes the best pie crust but he like to make fruit pies and I love cream pies. When I am pregnant chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.
D:Day of Choice? Sunday. It is when Jeremiah and I both don't work. Lots of family time.
E:Essential Item? Wet wipes. With 4 little ones they always come in handy. Also my cell phone. No one really calls me but it is nice to have it when I really need it.
F: Favorite Color? Bright happy blue
G: Greatest Accomplishment? Being a Mom, There is nothing better in the world.
H: Hometown? Casper Wyoming born and raised.
I:Indulgences? Any type of treats.
J:January or July? July. I love to swim. But I do like to go sledding in Jaunary
K: Kids? 4 amazing ones. William just turned 6 on April 1, Michael and Joseph will be 5 July 22, and my little Isabelle will be 2 May 11.
M: Marriage Date? June 14, 2001
N:Number of Siblings? 10. John Michael, Pat, Randy, Tressa, Paul, Jonathan, Julia, Carrie, Jacob and Daniel
O: Oranges or Apples? Depends. I am so picky about my fruit. It has to be a sweet crisp apple or a juicy orange. Both need to be chilled.
P: Phobias or Fears? SPIDERS, I have a good story about two attacking me. They make me cry.
Q: Quote? Bloom where your planted
R: Reason to Smile? Jermiah, William, Joseph, Michael, Isabelle, all the funny little things my kids do, silly people, a sunny day, chocolate
S: Season? Here in Utah.... None it seems most of the time the seasons are either mashed together or it is too cold or hot. Out east all of them. They seem to all last the perfect amount of time. The fall and spring are amazing out there.
T: Tag your friends? I tag Jenny, Mickelle, and Amanda
U: Unknown fact about me? This is hard I talk so much that most people know everything about me........ I watch certian movies just so I can have a good cry. I crave good cries. Weird huh??
V: Very favorite store? I want to say Walmart but I always leave buying more then I need. Same with Target. I do enjoy Smiths
W:Worst Habit? Eating when I am not hungery
X: X-ray or Ultrasound? I am not sure what this means but I have never had an x-ray. I have had a great deal of ultrasounds though and I always get excited to see the baby for the first time.
Y: Your favorite food? Pasta
Z: Zodiac? Cancer.


Bobbi said...

I love the good cries--it is so true!! We need to have a good girl crying movie night-- I miss you!

Emma said...

I'm all about watching a girl movie for a good cry. Must be a girl thing.