Friday, May 2, 2008

Here comes the Tooth Fairy

William lost his first tooth. It was very exciting. It had been loose for awhile. And after William woke us up at 2am to inform us his tooth was loose and then woke up his brother and wouldn't go back to bed until about 4am I desided it was time for it to come out. Well I pulled on it some and loosen it up pretty good then William pulled it out the rest of the way. He was so excited for the Tooth Fairy to come, who ended up leaving him a whole quarter. He has great plans for this quarter, which are mainly going to the store and buying candy.


Heather Jeppsen said...

How exciting! I'm glad the tooth fairy came.

Jared and Delia said...

Yay! That is so fun and exciting. William is so grown up!

Mimi said...

Aww, I love William.

Jenny Timmerman said...

Yay for the tooth fairy. I'm pretty sure my tooth fairy quarters always went to candy too. :)

Laura Howe said...

I was blog surfing and saw our blog on Sarah's blog. Your boys are darling. and Isabelle too. Good luck with all the eye stuff and good luck with potty training. I can't believe you have 4 kids. I bet you are so busy. Good work. Laura (Jensen) Howe