Sunday, November 1, 2009

That awfull ice

On Friday I was out delivering newspapers. It was pretty icy out. Most of the sidewalks were covered with ice and snow so I was walking on the street. I saw a car coming so I started moving over to the side walk and that is when I slipped on the ice. I didn't even realize that I had slipped until after I hit the ground. At first I thought I would just be bruised up. But then I checked out my hand again and realized it was bleeding pretty good. I was up the street about 1/4 a mile from my house so I continued delivering papers. I am sure I looked pretty stupid. I was walking along with my right hand in the air, without a glove and keeping pressure on in it with my left hand until I would have to throw a paper. When I got home my Mom was up getting ready for school so she took a minute and cleaned up my hand and bandaged it.
This is my hand (not a great picture) two days after. I am going to have a pretty little scar. I think the worse part of it all was that the person in the car had to see me fall because they pulled into their garage close to where I fell and didn't even check to see if I was ok. They just closed the garage door. What kind people live in my neighborhood.


Christie said...

That stinks!! I wish I'd been there to help! I remember slipping on ice on stairs when I was pregnant and feeling so helpless. Sorry you got such an awful cut. I'm glad you didn't break anything.

Jared and Delia said...

How sad! You are such a trooper to keep delivering papers.