Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

I woke up this morning to the smell of homemade Danishes. Jeremiah is amazing. He made sure this morning was a very pleasant one for me. Unfortunately he had to work at 2pm. But he made an delicious crock pot meal so my Mom and I wouldn't have to cook. I got these very cute Willow Tree figurines that the kids picked out. Jeremiah helped them each find one that best represented themselves. I think they did a perfect job.


Michael-Imaginative Child

William-Inquisitive Child

I was also so excited to get a gift certificate for a quilting class. And this is no ordinary quilting class it is one that will teach me how to use the great big quilting machine. So then I can go in a rent it to quilt down my Quilts and it is much more fancy then what I can do on my sewing machine.
I am so thankful for mothers day and the reminder of how thankful I am for such joys in my life. I know my children have changed my life for the better.
It was fun to be able to spend Mothers day with my Mom this year. We got her some yard ornaments that she was very excited about.
My brothers John and Daniel were very kind to make us some yummy strawberry shortcake. It was a wonderful day and I am thankful for the love that surrounds me.


Christie said...

Glad you had such a wonderful day!

Mimi said...

Thanks for posting all the pictures Missy. Happy Mother's Day!

Scott said...

Yay for Mother's Day! Glad it was good to you, Missy.