Monday, May 18, 2009

Another Eye Doctor Visit

Jeremiah brought Joseph down to Salt Lake for another Eye exam. He informed us (which we already knew) that Joseph is now legally blind.
He can still see some things. I have noticed that he prefers things that are bright and I think he can see outlines of people. He often calls me "Dad" and Jeremiah "Mom" until he hears us speak and realizes his mistake. We have taken to holding onto him pretty tight when we are anywhere that his is unfamiliar with. He amazes us though at home. He still runs around and is off discovering things all the time. We have also noticed he is relying on his other senses more. The other day I was in the kitchen and he was right by me. He all of a sudden told me Michael was crying. I couldn't hear anything. So I decided to go investigate. Sure enough Michael was in the garage crying. Amazing I say. Sometimes Joseph will come into the kitchen and start sniffing. He usually says "Mom I smell something". It always makes me laugh.
So the good news out of this is he will be having Cataract surgery June 10. Dr. Vatalli was nervous to put new lenses in. Children Joseph's age sometimes reject new lenses and that can cause damage to the retina, which can cause permanent damage. So we took him to a lens specialist who will be in on the surgery. He is confident that Joseph will do fine with the lenses but won't decide for sure until they are in the operating room. So please keep Joseph in your prayers.

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