Friday, March 6, 2009

Joseph's Eyes

This is for those who are newer to our blog. A little over a year ago we realized Joseph was having problems with his eye sight. We took Joseph to an eye doctor to see if he needed glasses. Joseph was so wiggly and had a really hard time with the bright lights the doctor decided it would be best to give him an eye exam while under anesthesia. While under the doctor discovered Joseph was having major problems. At first they that he had cataracts but they also realized he was having problems with his retina. They brought in a Retina specialist (Dr. Corey), and that same day Joseph went back under and had surgery done on his right eye. They removed his vitreous and scraped some plaque off his lens. We scheduled another date to have the same thing done to his left eye. But the day of the surgery Dr. Corey decided we were going to try something different. Instead he just injected steroids into his eye. We waited to see if that would help and it made a big difference. So since then we have been going back in to do routine check ups and putting more steroids in his eye. Just recently we discovered both eye were getting worse again. That is why we are headed to Utah to get better and more specialist to take a good look at him. Joseph has uveitis. It is an inflammatory disease in his eye. Usually it has an underlining cause. Most of the time the underlining cause is Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. But they have not been able to find anything that is causing the uveitis. Hopefully with more specialist coming in to check him out we might find out what is going on. If you are interested in looking at more about all this fun stuff we have post starting April 16 2008 about Joseph and his eyes.

1 comment:

Kate Challis said...

Wow, I didn't know this about Joseph's eyes! How are things now?