Monday, March 16, 2009

Can't wait to get my babies home

Jeremiah and Joseph headed to Utah this morning at 4:30 am. So by the time the rest of the family was up and moving, they were half way there. Isabelle was the first to realize Joseph wasn't around and asked where he had gone. I started missing Jeremiah when the house was too quiet(rare) and wanted someone to chat with (thanks Erin for filling in). This evening when I was heading the kids to bed Michael asked "which day will Joseph come back from Utah?" I explained that Joseph and Daddy would be back in time for out St. Patrick's day dinner. He felt very good about that idea. It seems that Joseph was missing his little buddies too. The boys stayed the night at Jeremiah's grandparents. When Joseph realized there was no little boys to play with he cried and said he wanted to come home. I can't wait to get them home. I keep looking around for my fourth Monkey. And it is almost midnight. I was suppose to be in bed almost 2 hours ago. But the idea of a cold bed with out a handsome man to warm it up for me is very unappealing. I miss my babies. Can't wait for tomorrow.


Mimi said...

Awww! I hope everything went well with the doctors appointments.

Stephanie said...

You know, if you get bored, come over and I'll chat with you. We have nothing going on here, other than cleaning and getting ready for our date tonight. Happy St. Patrick's day/ babies coming home!

Amanda said...

Oh man, I can sympathize, to a point. I HATE when my husband is gone and I always end up staying up until 1-2 a.m. because I just can't bear the thought of the empty bed. I hope all goes well with their trip!

Christie said...

Hope all goes well!

Mickelle said...

Yeah. I super understand missing the spouse. Dang it. One night down, six to go...

Bethany said...

Hope everything went well.