Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Bus Stop

My three boys get to ride the bus to and from school everyday. Since we are living with my parents in the home I grew up in, I get to walk them down and pick them up from my old bus stop. It is pretty fun to see how things don't change to much. There are three power boxes that sit at the bus stop and I remember climbing on them as a child. When we arrived there Tuesday morning there were a few kids sitting on top of the power boxes. Also the old crab apple tree is still there and my kids have enjoyed a few of the crab apples I loved as a kid. One of the big things that has changed is the number of kids at the stop. When I was a kid there were enough kids at the stop to fill almost the whole bus. We had to race down to the bus stop to get our bags in line so we could be one of the first on the bus. Well since they have changed it to a "choice district" only a few kids ride each bus. My boys sit at the stop with two other boys who are a lot older. Luckly these boys are very nice and they all play together while waiting. I will say I don't look forward to the winter when its snowing a blowing. Yesterday as a I was waiting for the bus to arrive home I found out the bus had broken down and it would be awhile until they got home. It reminded me of the time my bus had barley made it up the "hill" and died at the top we could see our bus stop from where we were but we were not allowed off the bus until we reached the stop we had to wait at least a half and hour for another bus to arrive to drive us the little distance home. AHHH good memories.


The Bertagnoles said...

I cant believe you are living in Casper again. How fun to relive the memories!! :} Im so happy for you and your family. I can't wait to take Kaiden there when he can actually understand the significance of such a special place!! :}

Jenny Timmerman said...

Love it! (miss you)

janet said...

Congrats on a safe move! How neat that your kids can go to the same school as you did. I have had those similar feelings when my kids play on the playground of my elementary school (still down the street from my parents house)

oh, and THANKS a lot for tagging me. I haven't done that one yet and will get around to it eventually :)

smart alec said...

missy i'm glad to see things are going well! i miss you! work is just no good without you there. the other day we were finishing sweets before rolls and i kept waiting for you to say "sucka!", but you didn't and i was sad.