September was a fun and busy month. First and mostly, we had part of the Muldowney clan staying with us.

We all spent a lot of time reading. Especially the girls. I am not even sure how many books they read while staying with us.
We were lucky to have the Ryan Muldowney clan to come visit us for a day.
We had an awesome game of capture the flag. Which I wish we would have got some pictures of. And we had a fun time at the park.

Grandma and Mommy pushing Isaac and Isabelle.
They could have stayed on all day.

These two are two peas in a pod......
or a swing

Ryan and Ann are always fun.
They also told us their exciting news of a baby on the way.

We played lots of games Inside

and Out

The kids loved having Uncle John read them comics

Abby was always willing to hold Rose.
Actually both girls were always asking to hold her. They were such good Aunts.

We have driven past Independence Rock several times now. We really should get out one of these days for a closer look.
You guys had a big year! I'm so glad Mommy was there to help you when Rose was born. We love you guys.
What beautiful children you have, Missy. I have enjoyed looking at your pictures. We miss you here in UT. We hope to see you sooner than later.
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