Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good bye Childhood

These pictures to you make look like hills of dirt, but let me tell you what they really are. As a child we spent hours upon hours in these hills, we called them "the fields" We had many adventures in the "fields" . One time my sister Carrie, a friend of ours and I went out seeking an adventure in the "field". We found a large puddle of muddy water. Some how we ended up in this puddle and played in it for hours. We went home dripping with mud and laughing with the memory we just made. Another time Carrie, another friend Mike and Laura and I went out sledding on the "Hill". Well some how Laura sat on a cactus. So we decided it was time to head home. One the way Laura was in so much pain and tired she decided to sit down and sat on another cactus. By the time we made it home Laura had sat in 3 different cactus and was in much pain. We had a chocolate factory ( a wall of dirt we used to make mud pies and other treats), we went mountain biking and had an amazing childhood in the "fields" But now they are making way for the future. They are in the mist of taking down all the hills to make room for a new Jr. High and a 600 unit apartment complex. Though parts of this is really good for Casper, I am sad to say goodbye to the most amazing hill you will ever sled on. One side of this hill was very steep and had a big ditch at the bottom. And you had to hope to get enough speed to jump the ditch or you might end up like one of my friend who broke her leg when she landed in the ditch( I was to chicken ever to go down that side). So Goodbye Childhood. I loved the memories I made in the "fields". I think that saddest part for me is I was looking forward to my children going out and having their own adventures in the "fields".


Mimi said...

It's memories like this that make childhood so wonderful. Sorry this one is getting bulldozed to the ground :( I'm sure that your little guys will find something else to build their imaginary world around though. As you know it doesn't take much. I hope school is going well for the kids and that you and Miah are enjoying a little more time together. Love you!

Bobbi said...

I cannot believe how much Casper is changing!! So different from when we were growing up--and that wasn't that long ago!! I hope everything is going good for you in Casper--love you!

Mike, Katie, Annali and Londyn said...

Mike is always so sad to see the "Gully" gone. He had a ton of memories there also. He wanted to go walking down there last time we were there just so he could get one last breath of the fresh air in the "Gully". Crazy how things change.

Bobbi said...

Oh my goodness--poor Laura!! That is soo funny to read about now though! I wish that we could someday see Laura again--it has been way to long for both Brad and I!