Monday, October 29, 2012

Onions Galore

What do you do with old panty hose and 25lbs of onions?

You make Onion Hose.

 These beauties will be hanging down in our storage room through the winter. I found this clever idea on Pinterest. And when I need an onion I just cut below the knot. They are suppose to stay good all winter long. 


Amanda said...

I have onions hanging in my pantry just like that! I learned the trick from my father-in-law...and have had great success when I did it a couple of years ago.

Heather Jeppsen said...

Really? I may have to try that. I was told put them in the fridge so they wouldn't make me cry too much when I cut them. Don't know if it helps though. I may have to try this.

Kristin said...

I have never heard of this before- I'm going to have to try it!
By the way, you look so beautiful in that picture the post before-- you have aged much better than myself---even 8 months pregnant! (and I'm not saying that to flatter you--it really is the truth--i'd have nothing to gain by lying to you!)