Saturday, October 17, 2009

Promptings of the Spirit

So Thursday I was getting ready to take Joseph down to Utah for a check up. We were to leave at 3:00pm. At 2:35ish, as I was trying to finish up last minute things before heading out, I just felt so uncomfortable about everything. I had had this feeling earlier and just shook it off. So I as I was experiencing this feeling once more I thought maybe I am not suppose to go out of town. Then whoosh I felt better. At this time I was headed to pick up Joseph and Michael(he was coming with) from school early. I was still battling with the decision because I just didn't know when I could get Joseph down again and we have to be really careful with his eye care. In a split second I picked up my cell phone and called the school and told them I was no longer going to pick up the boys early. Whoosh I felt even better. So I turned around and went home and called to doctors office and spent sometime setting up a new appointment. The funniest part to me was while I was calling to change my appointment I was thinking 'I am following a prompting from the Holy Ghost so everything will fall into place and they will make the appointment for next weekend when the boys have two days off of school, even though Jeremiah will have to switch his schedule around or I will just take all the kids with me.' So it didn't work out that way. They couldn't get us in until November 13, a month away. But as I checked out the calendar it would work out better for Jeremiah if I did it this way. And they thought Joseph was doing OK enough it could be pushed back that much.
That evening I just felt peace and joy. I got to spend a peaceful evening with my kids, which we don't get enough of. And a very pleasant Friday together. I am not sure why I had this prompting. The weather was better then it had been in a couple weeks. But as I was trying to get ready I kept having the feeling that if we went we were going to get hurt. So yay we are alive, healthy and safe.


Christie said...

Good for you to recognize that feeling and be willing to change your plans!

Mimi said...

It's hard sometimes to realize like you did that if we follow those promptings things will always work out. I love you Missy and am so thankful for your sensitivity to the Spirit and that you are safe.

~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

You are so good! Good job listening. I need to listen better to those feelings. I was feeling a bit -unmotivated- to get things done around the house a while back...I shook off the feeling thinking that if I went to my Taekwondo class I would feel better. I had a hard time getting out of the house, felt weird driving towards Orem, and WHAM, a guy ran a light and totalled my car.