Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

We had a first hair cut insident this last week. Joseph decided it was time for a hair cut

What is worse is he decided Isabelle needed a hair cut as well.

Luckly she is so blonde you can not tell very well. I can no longer get a pony tail ontop of her head with out it looking really lopsided. I guese it had to happen some day. But now all the scissors are in hidding.


Heather Jeppsen said...

I haven't had that happen yet, but I still worry. That's why I've never let them use scissors! I'm glad your doing a blog so it feels like we know what's going on with one another.

Amanda said...

Oh no! That's one of my biggest (small) mommy fears. I'm sure it's just a matter of time until it happens.