Monday, February 4, 2013

Bread 4 Sale

This last week I started up my bread business again.

I made 42 loaves and 1 1/2 dozen rolls. I sold 39 loaves and 1 dozen rolls. That was just enough for me to give a loaf to a neighbor, have 2 loaves for my family and enjoy the rest of the rolls for dinner.
 I am so excited about the great response I have received. I had one friend send a text when she got home asking if I had any extra bread to sale. I had others send me orders the following day for the next week.
 Today I sent out a message for bread sales and I already have 20 loaves ordered. Jeremiah is afraid it will get to big. Plus he is talking about buying a bakery and such. I am just thankful that I have a way to make some extra money to pay for piano lessons for my kids.


Stephanie Dirks said...

If I was still in Casper, I'd help you sale it in Bar Nunn!!! I LOVE your bread. Congrats on your new little business. You're awesome!

Stephanie Dirks said...

Also, I love the idea of the pictures on the side. I want to do that with my own kids. Maybe I will now that I've seen a good idea:) Miss Ya!!!

Ann said...

Go, Missy!